POLICY B2 - FEE AND ACCOUNT PAYMENT POLICY WE BELIEVE: Being a Community Early Education and Care service is an integral part of our identity. This means we are a Not-For-Profit organisation, meaning that all monies received from fees are used to pay staff wages and cover all operating costs. THEREFORE WE WILL:
Actively encourage families to seek fee relief (Child Care Subsidy) where possible. CCS is based on the number of children in care and the combined gross family income, which is assessed by the Family Assistance Office. (If your assessment has expired or has not yet been assessed, full fees will be charged.)
Charge a bond in advance for child care and accounts will be billed in arrears on a weekly basis.
Encourage that two weeks notice in writing is given when a child is to be withdrawn from care. A change in booked sessions needs to be pre-arranged with the Director. Notification regarding care required can be given in writing only - in written letter form or email.
Actively seek to inform parents about our holiday fee:
For 1 week per calendar year a 50% holding fee is charged for children absent due to holidays.
One week’s holidays equals the number of booked days used per week. Eg 2 days care per week equals one week holiday.
However, two weeks notice in writing is required; otherwise full fees may be charged.
Inform parents that fees are payable for public holidays, sick days or whenever a child is absent, however no fees are charged during the Christmas closure or Staff Development Day. Parents are entitled to receive CCS for the first 42 days of absence, after this time a sick certificate is required.
Fees in arrears As we are a community based, non-profit service, the needs of the individual families in financial hardships must be balanced against the financial viability of the service and the needs of the families using the service. Accounts are expected tobe brought to a nil balance within 2 weeks of the account date. Families experiencing financial difficulties should contact the Director to discuss the situation. All matters will be handled in the strictest confidence. Procedure for Payment Payment can be made at the Child Care Centre. Payment is preferred by Bank Transfer. To pay via the Internet a bank transfer is used between your bank and our bank. Simply transfer the amount required to: BSB 633 000, Account no 144 240 454 Please include your full name as reference. Payments can also be made via Credit Card (including over the telephone, in person and automatic debit) EFTPOS, cash, money order or cheque made payable to the PROSPECT EARLY EDUCATION AND CARE INC. Parents paying via AMEX, eftpos or Credit Card will be required to pay the associated fee as charged to the centre – applied to the next account. Cheques may be lodged at the reception desk from 7.00 am to 6.30 pm. Payments made by cheque that are refused by the bank will result in the families being charged any bank fees incurred by the centre. Cash payments must be paid to a staff member and a receipt issued. Cash payments must not be left in the fee box and no responsibility will be taken by the Child Care Centre for fees stolen from this box. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the Director or Administration Officer is available to collect payment, circumstances may prevent this from happening. Late Collection Collection of a child after the set closure time for that service will be deemed a “Late Collection” and may result in a fine added to a parent’s account to cover the cost of additional staff hours. Late collection is currently charged at $25.00 for the first 10 minutes and $1.00 per minute after that. 1st offence:Notification in writing will be posted to your pigeonhole indicating a late pick-up has occurred and the date. 2nd offence:Failure to collect on time within Notification in writing will be given with your account indicating a second warning and will incur a $20 fine. 3rd offence:A third written notification will be sent indicating that you are now on a final warning – this warning includes a $50.00 fine. 4th offence:At the discretion of the Director and/or Management Committee care may be withdrawn. Childcare Benefit Allowable Absences Families are eligible for 42 days of allowable absences for each child per financial year. Days which count as allowable absences are any casual absences and absences caused by holidays or illness without a medical certificate. Parents should request a sickness certificate from their Doctor whenever children are absent from the centre. Sourced from: https://www.education.gov.au/attendances-and-absences accessed 08.06.16 National Quality Standard 7.3 Regulation 168 (2) (n) Ratified by Management Committee July 2016 Review July 2019